
Xpand your local business with proven, time tested digital marketing
strategies. Claim your Free Marketing Xpansion Plan Today.

Your Xpansion Plan includes:

We Specialise in Digital Marketing That Drives Leads & Sales For Local Businesses

Are you looking for local Marketing services that deliver revenue shifting results?

Do you want real tangible outcomes in the form of phone calls, leads & website visitors?

Are you ready for a fully integrated local digital marketing strategy that simply just works?

If you are ready to take your local market by storm, and to become the industry leader who all roads lead to, then this is for you.

We have spent years perfecting a predictable, consistent and scalable local marketing solution that is ready to be deployed in your business. This is known as our Local Xpansion System.

By leveraging the strengths of 5 different marketing channels in a unique way, you’ll see revenue shifting results with more phone calls, leads & enquiries than ever before.

Who Is This For?

1. Business owners who are serving a local area

2. Businesses who are hungry for growth

3. Businesses who are at least
12-months old and have a verified Google My Business account

4. Businesses who recognize that in order to grow you need to invest in marketing

Watch How Our System Works

Introducing our
Local Xpansion System

76% of people who search on their smartphones for something nearby visit a business within a day. And 28% of searches for something nearby result in a purchase.

Never before has there been an organic method of marketing your local business that has so much power to not only get exposure, but to drive direct traffic, phone calls and enquiries than Google My Business.

This very overlooked gem is the cornerstone of our local Xpansion system, because of its untapped potential in most markets. Our proprietary formula has been carefully crafted and delivers results out of this world.

68% of online experiences begin with a search engine, and 53% of all website traffic comes from search. So if your business isn’t taking advantage of the search engine revolution, then you’re leaving serious money on the table.

We delve deep to find the hidden gems & gold nuggets that your competition is simply overlooking to grow your traffic and sales fast. Most SEO’s just look at which keywords have the highest traffic, however we look one step deeper, and find the terms that term into the most dollars in your bank account.

You would have seen Google AdWords when browsing throughout websites yourself. Advertisements are displayed in pre-defined placements on Google search results, above ‘organic’ search results and also at the bottom of the page.

Google searches have set positions aside on search results pages that bypasses Google’s algorithm for ranking websites. It’s essentially a paid shortcut to get to you at the top of search results. By bidding for a set ‘pay per click’ you can effectively buy your way to the top of the page.

Chances are you’ve come across remarketing before. You may have even seen our own ads which lead you back to this page, and it was by the wonders of remarketing. Remarketing is an extremely popular way to re-engage with visitors. If we are able to get you back to our site through the use of remarketing, just imagine what we could do for your business.

The profitable impact that our re-marketing campaigns will have on your business is incredible. Through the use of the Google Display Network, when the services and products you offer are searched online, customers are then recorded into an audience. We then offer targeted advertisements focusing on your products and services at the right time, helping to turn your business into a revenue-generating machine.

When used correctly, Social Media can be a gold-mine for lead-generation, but when done wrong, it can become an endless money-pit. Unfortunately, most Social Media ad campaigns are simply not set up in a way that is profitable for you, the business.

As the fifth and final pillar of our Local Xpansion System, we will implement a powerful strategy that we’ve crafted that generates hot and ready leads using a very specific strategy. This leverages all of the work from the first four pillars to bring everything together and maximise your ROI.

3-Step Action Plan

For every campaign, every business and every client we work
with, we work through three steps in order to ensure you get the
revenue-shifting results that you are after.

It’s impossible to hit your goals unless you know where you truly are starting on the map. Before we work with any website or business, we first undertake a deep assessment of where you currently are. Our team will go through your website, current digital marketing & goals with a fine tooth comb so us, and you, know exactly where you are, so we can take you to where you want to go.

Once we know the lay of the land, and what you want to achieve, our strategy team will then carefully plan out the road to getting you there. This will include a multi-channel marketing plan to stabilise and accelerate your results.

Once you have joined our tight knit family, and we are working together, we’ll then ferociously execute upon the strategy. We take no prisoners and pull no punches when it comes to getting results. Execution is an on-going process, and not something where it is complete in 3-months and then you’re done. We are partners in your growth and success for the long term.

What does Xpand Digital Stand For:

Our Mission Is To Deliver Real Revenue Shifting Results For Businesses Across Australia. We Don’t Just Talk A Big Game, We
Focus On Getting Things Done, And Let The Data And Results Talk For Themselves. Our Primary Focus Is To Provide Xplosive
Growth To Your Business Via Your Digital Marketing Campaigns, That You Can Feel On Your Bottom Line.

Results That Matter

You can find numbers to support any story you want told, but when it comes to digital marketing, there are only a few numbers that we believe truly matter. These are Total exposure, Total Traffic, Total leads, Total Sales (if in eCommerce) and ultimately, Return On Investment. Any other metric is merely a precursor to one of these 4 happening, and doesn’t carry much weight to the true success of a campaign.


We don’t work for our clients, we partner with them to hit their goals. Just as in any other relationship, honesty is essential. This is why if we stuff something up, we will tell you. If something isn’t going right, you’ll be the first to know. And when things are crushing it (What happens 95% of the time), we’ll be celebrating with you.

Going 100%

The digital landscape is changing faster than ever, and in most forms of digital marketing we are at the mercy of algorithm’s and shifts by the tech giants. Because we don’t have total control, we unfortunately cannot guarantee success every time. What we can guarantee is that we give each and every client 100% of our effort, focus, thinking power and passion. We don’t back down from a fight, and we go in to bat for all clients with everything we have.

Here’s What Our
Happy Clients Say

We understand that investing in your business is a crucial, and probably one of the most important decisions you can make. So rather than just taking our word for the results that we achieve for clients, here is what some of our very satisfied clients are saying:

No Jargon, Just Results… Using time tested strategies

Local SEO

We have helped hundreds of SMEs get found within Google. This report will guide you on how to achieve first-page rankings with local search engine optimization strategies. If you’re a local business, download this report now and put these strategies into action before your competitors do. 

Case Studies

Hear more from companies like yours 

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Local Xpansion System is the most powerful, proven system for growing exposure, traffic and leads with predictability & with rapid results. It’s been perfectly created to provide the perfect blend of scaleable paid advertising, visitor maximisation along with long term organic exposure.

Our Local Xpansion System is like building a table with 5 legs – its stable, strong and is nearly impossible to knock over. Choosing just one marketing method is like a 1-legged table – its very unstable and can fall with even the smallest breeze.

Yes we do! Please check out our case study page here.

Our Local Xpansion packages are designed for businesses who are already established and are looking to scale their sales fast. If your business is still in the start up phases, because of the costs of the Local Xpansion system we would recommend starting with Maps Xpansion or with Adwords individually, then re-invest to build your marketing budget to provide stability in lead flow and exposure.

Local Digital marketing is a very specific style of digital marketing. Just like in medicine where there are numerous specialties, you want to work with a company who specialises in your industry. If you want heart surgery, you don’t go to a GP.

Free Digital Marketing Audit

Do you know how your current digital marketing strategy is really working? It might be doing great, or, in most cases, it’s under underperforming and there are areas of improvement that you don’t even know exist. In Your free Xpansion Plan, our team will spend hours deep diving into your current marketing strategy, to give you a second opinion, and tips on how you can improve it.