The #1 SEO Agency
In The USA

The #1 spot to be found, is at #1 in Google!

Your Xpansion Plan includes:

What Type Of Business Are You:

I sell my products directly
online and am looking to drive
more sales
I’m a local trade, professional
service or retail business

Grow Your Online
With World Class

Are you looking for SEO services that deliver revenue-shifting results?

Do you want to work with an SEO Agency that looks beyond rankings, and approaches your business growth holistically?

Are you ready for advanced SEO that will truly move the needle?

If so, then you are in the right place. Here at Xpand Digital, we craft each SEO Campaign to suit your business, and to put you in front of your ideal audience so you generate more leads & sales.

Don’t believe us? How did you get to this page? You typed in a search phrase such as ‘SEO’ or ‘SEO Agency’ and now you are here, a qualified lead, ready to contact us about our services. Now imagine if your customers found you in the same way…How would that impact your business?

Watch How Our System Works

SEO Services

Every SEO technique that will be done on your site is 100% safe. No cutting corners and No blackhat techniques. Every SEO technique that is used on your site we have tested extensively on our R&D test sites to ensure its effectiveness and safety. I’ve even used the exact same strategy you get, to rank this site.

We are your partner in SEO growth. So whether you have a question, problem to resolve or simply need an update we are here for you. We aren’t a faceless organisation where you get passed around. You’ll get to know the team.

We belong to advanced and exclusive mastermind groups that include the worlds best SEOs. We discuss strategy, whats working right now and what to move away from. We make it a priority to stay on the cutting edge of our industry and you (and your bank balance) benefit from that knowledge.

If you’re reading this then chances are you were looking for a firm to help you rank in Google, and you came across this page by the power of Search Engine Optimisation. Not only is Australia SEO one of the most competitive terms in the country, but every SEO in the area is also competing for this very term.

So if I can beat them all and have you land on this page, just imagine what I can do for your business?

Imagine being able to out-rank and dominate your competition. To have your phone ring whenever someone looks for your services online, not your competitors. This kind of automated lead system truly turns your business into a revenue-generating machine.

Let us give you the very same blueprints that we’ve used to rank countless other businesses. Whether you are looking for local SEO, or you are looking to overtake the online eCommerce space worldwide, we can help you achieve it.

3-Step Action Plan

For every campaign, every business and every client we work
with, we work through three steps in order to ensure you get the
revenue-shifting results that you are after.

It’s impossible to hit your goals unless you know where you truly are starting on the map. Before we work with any website or business, we first undertake a deep assessment of where you currently are. Our team will go through your website, current digital marketing & goals with a fine tooth comb so us, and you, know exactly where you are, so we can take you to where you want to go.

Once we know the lay of the land, and what you want to achieve, our strategy team will then carefully plan out the road to getting you there. This will include a multi-channel marketing plan to stabilise and accelerate your results, where 1 + 1 + 1 truely equals 10!

Once you have joined our tight knit family, and we are working together, we’ll then ferociously execute upon the strategy. We take no prisoners and pull no punches when it comes to getting results. Execution is an on-going process, and not something where it is complete in 3-months and then you’re done. We are partners in your growth and success for the long term.


If you’d like to speak with our team and start Xpanding your business today, book a call below.

What does Xpand Digital Stand For:

Our Mission Is To Deliver Real Revenue Shifting Results For Businesses Across Australia. We Don’t Just Talk A Big Game, We
Focus On Getting Things Done, And Let The Data And Results Talk For Themselves. Our Primary Focus Is To Provide Xplosive
Growth To Your Business Via Your Adwords Campaigns, That You Can Feel On Your Bottom Line.

Results That Matter

You can find numbers to support any story you want told, but when it comes to digital marketing, there are only a few numbers that we believe truly matter. These are Total exposure, Total Traffic, Total leads, Total Sales (if in eCommerce) and ultimately, Return On Investment. Any other metric is merely a precursor to one of these 4 happening, and doesn’t carry much weight to the true success of a campaign.


We don’t work for our clients, we partner with them to hit their goals. Just as in any other relationship, honesty is essential. This is why if we stuff something up, we will tell you. If something isn’t going right, you’ll be the first to know. And when things are crushing it (What happens 95% of the time), we’ll be celebrating with you.

Going 100%

The digital landscape is changing faster than ever, and in most forms of digital marketing we are at the mercy of algorithm’s and shifts by the tech giants. Because we don’t have total control, we unfortunately cannot guarantee success every time. What we can guarantee is that we give each and every client 100% of our effort, focus, thinking power and passion. We don’t back down from a fight, and we go in to bat for all clients with everything we have.

Here’s What Our
Happy Clients Say

We understand that investing in your business is a crucial, and probably one of the most important decisions you can make. So rather than just taking our word for the results that we achieve for clients, here is what some of our very satisfied clients are saying:

No Jargon, Just Results… Using time tested strategies

Case Studies

Hear more from companies like yours 

How To Generate
Unlimited Leads

We have helped hundreds of businesses, generate millions of dollars in sales with
the 4 strategies outlined in this report. Whether you are a local business or a national company, download this report now and put these strategies into action before your competitors do. 

Frequently Asked Questions

To say digital marketing and SEO are important is understatement of the century!

In 2021 and beyond, in our opinion, if you are an eCommerce or local business, there really isn’t an option but to have a personally tailored digital marketing & SEO Strategy for your business.

Here are some SEO statistics from Google that will blow your mind:
● 76% of people who search on their smartphones for something nearby visit a business within a day.
● 28% of searches for something nearby result in a purchase.
● 54% of smartphone users search for business hours and 53% search for directions to a local store.
● Where to buy” + “near me” mobile queries have grown by over 200% from 2017–2019.
● Mobile searches for “store open near me” (e.g., “grocery store open near me”) have grown by over
250% from 2017–2019.

Xpand Digital has been in the SEO and online marketing space for over 6 years and has helped hundreds of small businesses achieve significant growth through search engine optimization.

To read more about our business click here.

To see our amazing case studies click here.

The pricing of SEO campaigns always tends to vary depending on which agency you speak to and how many resources you’re willing to invest in your campaign. Knowing exactly how much to spend on SEO will allow you to understand how much competition you’re up against in your industry, as well as providing you with insight on what type of results to expect compared to your campaign budget.

At Xpand Digital, we use a proprietary formula based on a wide range of metrics to ensure success for your SEO campaign and your business. One of the main factors we consider is how much competition and what level of investment you need in your campaign in order to get the results you’re after.

No we are not the cheapest, and we won’t ever be. We are focussed on delivering world class results, and are considered the best SEO Agency in the region. We have only achieved this status by ensuring we give each and every client the time, attention and quality workmanship required to drive real results.

If you are focussing on finding the cheapest SEO company, then put simply you won’t get the results you are after, and you may even end up with more damage than good.

SEO requires an immense amount of time, and resources to get right. The less you pay, the less time and effort your agency is able to dedicate to your campaign, resulting in lackluster results. Sure, its possible to get some quick wins by ranking for some keywords that no one searches for, but if you want exposure to the terms you ideal customers are searching for, these are competitive and require work to rank for.

While each marketing channel may have it’s own strengths and weaknesses, SEO is a class above the rest when it comes to getting customers as cheaply as possible. The 1st position on page 1 of google gets around 30% of all search traffic for a query on average, the 2nd position gets around 15% and the 3rd position around 7.5%. The bottom of page one receives about 0.25% of the search traffic. Having a large amount of traffic on your site compared to your competition, will set your business apart and ensure business growth long term and position capital recruit in a position of dominance in the market place.

Research shows that compared to other methods of generating leads, SEO provides the cheapest cost per lead when in a dominant position in search results. Search Engine Journal reports that inbound leads close at a rate 7x that of outbound lead generation methods. Meaning that you can get more leads at a cheaper rate with less work.

Aside from lead generation, SEO serves a branding purpose as well. Having your website listed at the top of the search engine results page will create the effect and appearance that your business is the ‘go-to’ in the industry. Meaning that customers will have more trust in your brand, leading to higher conversion rates and a multiplier effect through word of mouth.

All in all, SEO is a crucial building block that is important to achieving dominance in any industry, working alongside other channels and methods of lead generation and awareness building. SEO will allow you to lower the costs of other advertising channels, as well as create a new stream of lead generation.

A lot of the terminology and jargon around SEO tends to be confusing. SEO evolved from the world of web development and software development, and a lot of the terminology evolved with it. We take the time to ensure that everything to do with your campaign is easy to understand and to the point. Small business owners are busy, so we don’t overcomplicate things.

As leading SEO experts, our job is to help simplify what search engine optimisation is, how it works and how it will help your business. Think of us as your guide to understanding seo services.

The core to remember is that SEO is all about growing your website traffic by using search engine optimization SEO to increase your visibility as a part of your marketing strategy.

SEO is typically considered a medium to long term investment. While it’s often very difficult to judge an exact timeframe to a specific website, over the past couple years of widely successful campaigns, our SEO Experts have developed a multi-varied scientific formula that allows us to keep results to a reasonably consistent time frame. What we typically see in the first 3 months of your campaign is that google will notice the SEO campaign strategy we implement and therefore see a bump in rankings. At months 6-7, we typically see you generating enough traffic and leads via the website to be ROI positive on the campaign.

By month 12-14, that’s when you’ll see the most amount of growth in your campaign, often ROI is several times higher by this stage due to the increased traffic and leads. The reason why it takes 12 months to reach strong results of your campaign is due to the way Google sets rules about how it ranks websites. Google’s job is to make sure that the websites that show up when you enter a search are relevant, useful, trusted, and provide a great search experience, and the job of our SEO experts is to help provide this with your site.

Bottom line, Google will identify if someone is trying to game the system with SEO, and penalise that website so fewer people see it. While we always want to make sure we get results as quickly as possible for our partners, we must play by the rules dictated by Google’s algorithm. That way, we can lower the risk of a negative event occurring, while also ensuring you get the results you deserve from your search engine strategy.

An SEO campaign is the process of adapting a website to be relevant and trustworthy for a search term. This happens in two parts. The first part, called On-Site SEO, is all about content. Google’s algorithm rewards website content that helps the reader answer their question or assist in finding what they’re after. Google’s uses artificial intelligence to scan website content to judge trustworthiness and accuracy. We specialise in ensuring that your content is positioned to ensure results for your campaign and your business. The second stage of SEO, called Off-Page, is what makes us the  best SEO Brisbane, is all about authority through backlinks.

A backlink is when one website links to another. Commonly you’ll find these connections in news articles that may link to another news piece. Almost every website on the internet has backlinks coming in and going out. Google’s algorithm works to identify these relations between websites, and then to assess how trustworthy those websites are. The last thing that anyone wants is a bunch of spam websites showing up on the first page of Google, so Google ensures that this isn’t the case by sorting through each website and giving it a domain authority score, which indicates how trustworthy a site is which is a crucial part of a SEO campaign.

The more trustworthy websites that link to you that are relevant to your customers, the higher you’ll rank for what you provide. Within that basic process of your search engine optimisation campaign and gaining backlinks lie over 250 different factors that search engines considers when determining where to rank a website. We ensure that your website is optimal in all of these factors to provide your business with the results that you expect from the best SEO agency.

What do you do exactly in an SEO campaign?

In our SEO campaigns, we break the hundreds of tasks that we do to help grow your business in the search engines into three simple area’s, these are:

  1. Initial research
  2. On-site SEO
  3. Off-site SEO

Phase 1: Initial research.

The first thing that we do when you join us as your partners in business growth, is get crystal clear on where you want to go. This is done through our initial on-boarding processes which gets clear on the outcomes that you have for your SEO campaign.

We then go away and find the right keywords for your business that will generate the type of customers that you are looking for, in the stage of the buying cycle that you are after.

For example, if someone is searching for ‘SEO Tips’, then Google usually decides that the ‘User Intent is that they are after tips to do SEO for themselves. Now, if you can service clients nationally, then producing ‘research intent’ content like this can be useful.

For most businesses however, we find that targeting the term equivalent in your industry to ‘SEO Tips Gold Coast’ instead, because Google has determined that when people add a location to a keyword, they are likely searching for a business within that region in the search engine rankings.

Once we’ve found the right keywords, with the right user intent for your goals, we then move through to our ‘Mapping’ phase. This is where we ensure each keyword has a ‘home’ on your website, which is a page that we can optimize to ensure that your users find what they are looking for when they hit your site.

Phase 2: On-site SEO

This is where the rubber hits the road and we start implementing our plan. We will build new pages, optimize metadata, & tune your code behind the scenes. In a nutshell, we will be ensuring that when Google’s spiders crawl their way through your site, they know exactly who you are, what you do, and where you do it. This process has also been referred to as Technical SEO and ensures that the search engines can find their way around your website smoothly, which is crucial that any SEO company ensures are completed.

This is a crucial step that lays the foundation for the success of your entire SEO campaign.

Phase 3: Off-site SEO

The term off site SEO, or off-page SEO commonly refers to any part of your search engine optimisation campaign that isn’t done on your website itself. The most important elements of this is building the authority of your site through backlinks.

A backlink is anytime another website includes a hyperlink back to your website. This passes trust, authority and acts as a ‘vote’ towards the popularity of your website as a whole. There are many different types of backlinks, and not all are created equal. Our goal is to provide you with the right links to hit your outcomes.

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO refers to any campaign that aims to rank your site within a specific geographic area. This could be as focussed as in your specific suburban neighborhood, or as broad as an entire state.

We differentiate Local SEO and Google Maps as two separate services, as they require very specific and different workloads. So when we talk about Local SEO, its your website showing in the organic search results. As your SEO Company, we will have a detailed strategy session when we begin work to ensure that your digital marketing strategy as a whole includes the elements that are most important to your business outcomes.

Do you work with eCommerce sites?

We certainly do, and in fact, our team has achieved incredible results for eCommerce SEO campaigns. Having helped our clients generate tens of millions in additional revenue through their websites, we have developed strategies and systems that work very well regardless of the CMS you are using.

So whether you are using Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify or Neto, our team has the experience and knowledge to boost your sales online.

I’m doing Adwords, Do I need to do SEO too?

You don’t Need to do anything technical, however we would highly recommend it for many reasons.

In today’s modern world, the average consumer will visit your website 4 times or more before the even contact you. Through using advantage attribution tracking, we’ve found that by combining SEO & Adwords together, 1+1 = 3, or in other words, the result is greater than the sum of the parts.

We have come to this conclusion because the two play hand in hand in ensuring that everywhere your custom looks on Google, that you show up. This ‘omni presence’ is crucial in dominating your industry.

How long do I need to do SEO for?

This really depends on what your goals are and your internal capabilities are.

If you have a business model that is highly scalable such as eCommerce or have great systems in your company, you can run your SEO indefinitely. In general, the longer a campaign runs for, the stronger the ROI becomes, and when you can invest $1 and get $10 back, it just makes sense to keep it running.

If however you have limited capacity such as a small team, or you don’t want to grow, just be booked consistently, then 12-months is often enough. This will depend on your industry, and whether it is wise to stop your SEO at the end of this period, or drop down to a lower level campaign, will be determined by your competitors actions.

How does content marketing work with SEO?

 Content marketing is a fantastic part of any digital marketing strategy, and helps you to build your authority and trust within your market place. When it comes to the relationship between content and SEO, this is a hotly debated topic. Some of our research has shown no direct correlation between your website rankings for local terms and writing blogs on your website.

This doesn’t mean that its a part of marketing that should be ignored entirely because it helps your buyers to understand more about what makes your company stand out and your expertise in your industry. By being their teacher, you will help build a relationship with your prospects before they even purchase your product or service.

It also has been shown to boost your site wide trustworthiness in a particular space, which can help your local rankings indirectly. As an SEO company gold coast, we will sit down with you in our initial meetings to craft out how content plays into your SEO strategy as a whole.

Are you SEO Techniques White Hat?

In the world of SEO there are three main thought pattens. The first is White Hat SEO, which as the name implies is the ‘safe and ethical’ way of doing search engine optimisation – this is what our digital marketing agency does exclusively. The next is ‘grey hat’ which is where some SEO’s push the boundaries of what is safe and not. While this may be fine and you may get away with it, in our opinion its not worth the risk.

The final is black hat SEO. This term is when things cross the line into near and often outright criminal activities such as hacking websites to get links, and many other very dodgy practises. The long term results of grey and black hat SEO can result in very expensive damage to your website that is sometimes irreversible.

Our team of SEO Experts exclusively does white hat SEO strategy for all our clients as it is the best long term, and is safe and ethical.

Do I need to be #1 in the Search Results to see more leads?

As your SEO services provider, our goal is to get you the maximum search engine traffic as possible. The #1 spot naturally gets the most traffic, clicks and leads, however its not all or nothing, as all spots in the top 5 receive over 12-times the traffic as a website on the second page of Google.

In fact, over 49% of digital marketing specialists agree that SEO brings the highest ROI, even when you aren’t at #1 spot. This isn’t to say that we don’t strive to get each and every client to the top of Google, however it is to show that during the journey to #1, you will see more leads and revenue each month.

As a team of SEO Experts, we help you to pick the keywords that will yield the best ROI as fast as possible for your business.

Free Digital Marketing Audit

Do you know how your current digital marketing strategy is really working? It might be doing great, or, in most cases, it’s under underperforming and there are areas of improvement that you don’t even know exist. In Your free Xpansion Plan, our team will spend hours deep diving into your current marketing strategy, to give you a second opinion, and tips on how you can improve it.